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Cath Ste-Cath

The story (so far)

In a perfect world, maybe we'd meet at a coffee shop, a bookstore, or a concert hall. Serendipity feels harder to come by, with all this time spent on screens, tending to blinking notifications. But hey, I can assure you that our time spent together CAN be magical!

I'm here to facilitate a beautiful and interesting connection between us, to make wishes come true and to have some fun. Also... I'm nice!

About me

Setting up the perfect space to safely explore your fantasies:

By booking a session with me, you are setting the framework for a completely original experience, be it thrilling, comforting or down-right sexy.

So... what is it that you are looking for? What will we bring out from each other?

Do you crave sensory overload, injecting colour back into your life?

Or are you looking to share? My toes tucked under your thighs, swapping mundane or jaw dropping stories leading us to unforgettable tryst ... ?

Let's create.
About the artist

My attraction to strangers is not new. Wielding jokes and witticisms, I cut through the bullshit in search of connection.

I look for new ways of seeing & understanding the world, shattering preconceptions with an open & curious state of mind. My interests include strange coïncidences, stand-up comedy and quiet/loud music. I enjoy coffee, ice cream, dancing, science-fiction & reading. I crave original, dare I say authentic experiences. 

At a glance

Born in the late, late 80s

One small geometric tattoo

Queer, bisexual (pan)


Non-smoker tobacco


Fluent in French & English

Meyers-Briggs: ENFP

Performance art you can touch


C. Ste-Cath© - 2023

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